Take Tech - New Grade 9 or 10 Tech Credit for High School Students
Mandatory high school graduation requirement will empower students with early exposure to technological education and skilled trades.
We want all technological education teachers in Ontario to be able to think through the stages of their projects and learning activities they do with students. Submitting your lesson through SafetyNET means you have a reflective lens for before, during and after you have fun with your students, and protect yourself as a professional educator.
OCTE Best Practice resources are resources and lesson plans submitted by teachers like you. These resources are made available thanks to the commitment and involvement of partners from across Ontario.
SAFEdocs documents were written by OCTE members sponsored by the Ministry of Education in 2013 and align safety resources to the 2009 Technological Education curriculum document.
A .pdf print out of QR codes for teachers is available with cut lines for teachers to stick onto their classroom tools, equipment, and processes. Students will be able to view the video in a class session, re-review on their devices, listen to the .mp3 to lessen the download, or look at the video content transcription. There are lesson plans that go with each one.
Are you or someone you know considering a career as a technological educator? Check out Pre-Service Technological Education programs. To meet the needs of the candidates, the program offers a variety of delivery options, a credit for prior learning and experience, and instructors who are certified technology teachers with industry experience.
As part of our commitment to social responsibility and community support, OCTE is proud to dedicate our annual charitable donation to this outstanding organization. Click here to read more.
Winter Driving Safety
For many of us, driving during in deteriorating winter conditions is inevitable. Being prepared adds to the safety
Drive to the weather conditions
Keep a safe distance and avoid heavy braking
Keep a safety kit in your car (water, blanket(s), energy bars, flashlight, candles, matches)
Keep your gas tank filled (You never know when you will have to sit in traffic for long stretches. Don't risk running out of gas)
Have winter tires (We are in Canada! Below 7 degrees C, All Seasons lose elasticity and traction)
Be sure your tires are properly inflated (This aids fuel consumption and traction. If in doubt, check the owner's manual)
Check the spare tire (This should be done regularly all year round. Don't risk being caught short)
For more tips, click on the links below
Using winter tires (canada.ca)
11 winter driving tips to keep you safe on Ontario roads | CBC News