
Browse the available awards below, view the nomination form, and start to think about who you could nominate next year. To sponsor an award or if you have any questions about the awards or the nominations process, please contact the Awards Committee via email. The awards are announced at the AGM during the annual conference.  Nominations are now  closed for 2022 - 2023.  Thank you to everyone who has nominated your outstanding colleagues!

OCTE Excellence in Teaching Award - Elementary

Purpose: To recognize an Elementary Teacher who demonstrates an outstanding commitment to the presentation and integration of technological education into the Science and Technology curriculum and who is dedicated to the promotion of STEM Education.

Criteria: Current member of OCTE and the Ontario College of Teachers; develops and implements creative and engaging technological education components into the Science and Technology curriculum in particular and their daily curriculum in general; Demonstrates a commitment to professional development and life-long learning

OCTE Excellence in Teaching Award - Secondary

Purpose: To recognize a Secondary Teacher who demonstrates an outstanding commitment to the delivery and promotion of Technological Education through the delivery of curriculum and the organization/participation in events that promotes technological education to students, parents, colleagues, and the community.

Criteria: Current member of OCTE and the Ontario College of Teachers; teaches a technological education course, develops and implements creative an engaging learning experience through the delivery of their course/program; demonstrates a commitment to the furtherance of Technological Education at the school and board level by promoting careers in technology  through apprenticeship, co-op programs, post secondary education programs and other career pathway activities; Demonstrates a commitment to professional development and life-long learning

Technological Education Leadership Award

Purpose: To recognize an individual who demonstrates an outstanding commitment to the promotion and furtherance of Technological Education at a school, board, and provincial level.

Criteria: Current member of OCTE and the Ontario College of Teachers; actively develops, implements and supports Technological Education through the development of creative and engaging technological education programs; Demonstrates an outstanding commitment to the furtherance of technological education through active involvement at the school, board and provincial level e.g., leadership roles, school board consultant, Ministry of Education curriculum development; Demonstrates a commitment to professional development and life-long learning.


OCTE Certificate of Recognition

Purpose: To recognize an individual, group or organization who has shown outstanding support for and contributed to the continued development of Technological Education.

Criteria: Demonstrates an ongoing commitment to supporting and promoting technological education through one or more of the following activities: mentorship, active involvement in technological education events, curriculum development; providing professional development opportunities; support of apprenticeship or co-op programs; sponsorship of student projects

Dick Hopkins Award

Purpose: Initiated by OCTE and Skills Ontario Canada to recognize an outstanding technical educator in recognition of Dick’s active participation and promotion of Skills competitions and events.

Criteria: Chosen by a selection committee. Click here to view the application.


Past award winners


Technological Leadership-Lilla Richardson HDSB

Teaching Excellence, Secondary- Mike McCormick Bruce Grey Catholic DSB

Teaching Excellence, Secondary- Paul Wilson HWDSB

Certificate of Recognition- Darryl Spector Promation

Certificate of Recognition- Integrity Tool and Mold

Dick Hopkins Award- Chris Tucker York Region DSB

Dick Hopkins Award- Bryan Derksen Blue Water DSB

Honourary Life Membership-Dave Lewis

Honourary Life Membership-Mario Blouin


Dick Hopkins Award-Mario Blouin retired CSCDGR

Teaching Excellence-Secondary-David Fitt SCDSB, Richard Waters OCDSB

Certificate of Recognition-Jennifer Parrington DDSB

Technological Education Leadership-Kevin Caughlin HDSB (retired)


Technological Education Leadership Mike Mol Limestone DSB, Paul Fraser retired Durham Catholic DSB

OCTE Excellence in Teaching – Secondary Mike Doyle District School Board of Niagara,Rick Jarvie Halton DSB, Kathleen vonEuw Huron Perth Catholic DSB

OCTE Excellence in Teaching – Elementary Hillary Rogers-Myhal Durham Catholic DSB, Lindsey Howes Upper Canada DSB

OCTE Certificate of Recognition Gord Nicholls BMP Metal products and mentor to Halton DSB

Dick Hopkins Award Bill Fetter Greater Essex County DSB


Technological Education Leadership- Chris Arnold, HDSB, Paula Walker, OCDSB

OCTE Excellence in Teaching: Secondary- Doug Doey, GEDSB, Wade Richardson, HDSB, Serge Remillard, SCDSB

OCTE Excellence in Teaching: Elementary- Kieth Baker

Dick Hopkins Award- Jacob Smith, DDSB

Certificates of Recognitions-Deborah Mates, CWB Welding Foundation, Richard Do Couto, ArcelorMittal Dofasco



Dick Hopkins Award- Colin DeRaaf, CLAC



Technological Education Leadership - Dave Lewis

Certificates of Recognition - Dave Kipp, Mike Sampson, Ramil Andaya

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Elementary - Ingrid Munson

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Secondary - Tyler Graham

Dick Hopkins Award - Kevin Shea


Technological Education Leadership - Mike Sewell Limestone DSB

Certificates of Recognition - Randy Lindsey Toronto DSB, Collin Wilson Toronto DSB

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Elementary - Richard Michaud - Conseils des ecoles catholique de langue francaise du Centre-Est

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Secondary - Tom Mercante - Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic DSB

Dick Hopkins Award - Glenn Ellis OCDSB


Technological Education Leadership Peter Svec - Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic DSB

Certificates of Recognition Tom O’Brian Hamilton Wentworth DSB, Debra Erkkila Hamilton Wentworth DSB, Tom Mercante Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic DSB,

Darrin Saywich Duffering Peel Catholic DSB

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Elementary Pamela Pillon Thames Valley DSB

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Secondary Mark Flanagan Huron Perth Catholic DSB, Rich Neufeld Hamilton Wentworth DSB

Dick Hopkins Award - David Lewis Halton DSB


Technological Education Leadership Kevin Kilinskas PPCDSB, Wayne Cramp TVDSB, Terry Hoelke RCDSB, Jeff Piro AMDSB

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Elementary Darren Foy Rainbow DSB

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Secondary Jeff Ste. Marie TVDSB, Rob Collings AMDSB, Steve LeBel GECDSB

Dick Hopkins - Paul McDonough OCDSB



Dick Hopkins Award - Slawmir Dobrowoski, BHNCDSB


Dick Hopkins Award - Ray Morrison, Bluewater DSB & Cheryl Lovell, Greater Essex County DSB


Technological Education Leadership - Bob Moulton

Certificate of Recognition - Michelle Ouellette, Ryan Wineberg

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Elementary Ian Darling

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Secondary Roy Smith

Dick Hopkins Award - Dario Rossit, Greater Essex County DSB & Randy Dyck, Waterloo Region DSB


Technological Education Leadership - Gary Berscht, Kevin Shea

Certificate of Recognition - Paul Cheeseman, Mike Mariano, Dave Kipp, Tom Mlekuz

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Elementary Terry Wilkinson

OCTE Excellence in Teaching - Secondary Ed Zombeck, Michael Gretzinger

Ontario Cosmetology Teacher of the Year - Annette Ryan

Dick Hopkins Award - David Graves, Halton DSB & Bud Halpin, Bluewater DSB


Dick Hopkins Award - Sergio Borghesi, Niagara Catholic DSB


Dick Hopkins Award - Robert Darling, Grand Erie DSB


Dick Hopkins Award - Dan Krotsch, Waterloo Catholic DSB


Dick Hopkins Award - Bob Chambers, Limestone DSB


Dick Hopkins Award-Kevin Graham, Niagara District School Board


Dick Hopkins Award-Mike Sewell, Limestone District School Board