A website like this is the product of the hard work of many people and organizations, and it is our goal to give credit where credit is due!
Please contact octeofficeadmin@octe.ca if you know of anyone we have missed.
2016 Website Revamp - Erin Carey (Project Manager/Writer), Paul Fraser (Committee Lead), Peter Beens (Resource Preparation), Yolanda Navas (Communications Needs Analysis), Stuart Germain (Blueprint Agencies), plus this project incorporates resources created in process from the many projects initiated by OCTE member writers (octe.ca) It replaces the octe.on.ca and octelab.com previous sites.
2013-2016 Website - Mario Blouin (Webmaster) working with Derek Murphy of Studica The Education Source for Academic Student Software & Technology Products. (octelab.com)
2004-2016 Website - Yolanda Navas (Webmaster), Sergio Borghesi (Past Committee Lead) (octe.on.ca)
(This list is to be confirmed from various year versions).
(This list is to be confirmed from various year versions).
Mario Blouin
Erin Carey, Art Niezen
TCJ - Joel Kightley, Peter Boeckh , Peter Schleihauf
TDJ - D. Bruce McCowan, Rodney Parcher, Sergio Borghesi
TEJ - Helen Strelkovska, Paul Lewis, Susan Monachino
TFJ - Murray Zehr, Robert Catherine, Vicki Houston
TGJ - Doug Discepolo, Emily Brown, Joachim Vallentin, Erin Carey
THJ - Al Nason, Jake Kurtz, Les Jagoda
TIJ - Fil Scarpazza. Kevin Broadhurst, Michael St. George
TMJ - Paul Fraser, Perry Richardson, Wesley Palmer
TPJ - Carla D'Elia, Heather Smith-Hudson, Holly Nightingale
TTJ - Luciano Novia, Ray Morrison, Robert Holowack
TXJ - Annette Ryan, Leeanne Richardson, Lorraine Coughlan
Mario Blouin
Michael Scott, Kevin Shea, Karen Linehan-Caulfield
Erin Carey
TCJ - Kevin Shea, Brad Johnson, Robert Hay
TDJ - Sergio Borghesi, Bill Slumskie, Paul White
TEJ - Michael Scott, Paul Lewis, Robert Ceccato
TFJ - Tyrone Miller, Laura O'Neill, Michael St. George
TGJ - Glenn Ellis, Richard Mennanno, Richard Sloos, Erin Carey
THJ - Darren Schmahl, Jason Leavens, Les Jagoda
TMJ - Paul Fraser, John Hobbins
TPJ - Heather Smith-Hudson, Carole Finn, Wendy Charlton
TTJ - Robert Holowack, John Witkowski, Kevin Lanigan
TXJ - Jeff Williton, Tracey Fedy-Williton, Jessica Monette