secondary panel

Many members of the OCTE secondary panel are teachers at Ontario high schools. Some of them have become tech teachers after a career in industry with many qualifications, such as Red Seal Certificate of Qualification in the trades. Others come from industries that utilize broad-based technologies or design elements, and combine management with educational experience. Still others have completed their B. Ed. Tech, or have other educational qualifications through AQ courses that enable them to reach students through experiential education.

OCTE secondary teachers are experts in manufacturing, robotics, personal care services, green industries and energy technologies, computer engineering, construction trade specializations, mining, transportation industries, and professional hospitality and tourism roles. They handle communication technologies, design software, and teach planning and project management. They teach core subjects of Math, English, History, and Geography linked with real life technological applications that put people to work. They leverage their ties from the world of work to find unique industry placements for students to have enhanced experiential learning. They run SHSM, Specialist High Skills Major programs, and OYAP, the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, preparing well-trained, safety-minded young people to become tomorrow's industry leaders.

OCTE teachers have been instrumental in developing the Emphasis Courses in the Ministry of Education Technological Education Curriculum. They ensure that Canada's Indigenous Peoples receive needed support for technological education learning, and are allies for Aboriginal education. They've helped us to develop many resources, including the specialized OCTE resources available here.

For more information on how to get involved with OCTE's Secondary panel, contact octesecondary (at)


We want all technological education teachers in Ontario to be able to think through the stages of their projects and learning activities they do with students. Submitting your lesson through SafetyNET means you have a reflective lens for before, during and after you have fun with your students, and protect yourself as a professional educator.

A .pdf print out of QR codes for teachers is available with cut lines for teachers to stick onto their classroom tools, equipment, and processes. Students will be able to view the video in a class session, re-review on their devices, listen to the .mp3 to lessen the download, or look at the video content transcription. There are lesson plans that go with each one.

SAFEdocs documents were written by OCTE members sponsored by the Ministry of Education in 2013 and align safety resources to the 2009 Technological Education curriculum document.

OCTE Best Practice resources are resources and lesson plans submitted by teachers like you. These resources are made available thanks to the commitment and involvement of partners from across Ontario.